About Us

This is my story

"I love the artistic expression that comes from working with leather. It has a little bit of everything; figuring out patterns, making a physical object that you can hold in your hands, designing and carving the details!"

I often get asked, "Why did you choose to work with leather" and the short answer is, I enjoy it—and I’m good at it!

I started doing medieval re-enactment back in 2014, and when I was trying to find various pieces of kit I found that exactly what I wanted wasn’t available. So, I made it myself.
There was a lot of trial and error, scrapped projects, rethinks, late nights watching videos, and reading how-to guides; but, in the end, I had the leather goods I wanted, exactly how I wanted them.
Soon after, others in my re-enactment group asked me to make them the odd piece here and there, because they too couldn't find exactly what they wanted. Maybe the fit of their existing kit wasn’t right, or the colour of one piece didn’t match their other kit, or they just wanted their kit to look a bit fancier. That’s when I realised there was a gap in the market for custom made, custom detailed leather goods, handmade and specific to the individual's wants and needs, and for a reasonable price.

What sets me apart from other leather workers?
This is why you should come to me!

I will strive to deliver what’s in your head, as closely as I can manage! If you have a colour combination in mind, a particular way you want something to work, or (my favourite part) a specific design or set of detailing to really make a piece one of a kind and personal to you, then I am your man. I can’t be, and don’t want to be, the cheapest or most affordable, but I can strive to be the best! And to give you, the customer, the leather goods that you want, need, and deserve!
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